Bidding Closes at Our Scholarship Program Auction Reception & Prize Raffle This Week

LWPTSA Council Scholarship Program Basket Auction Closing Reception & Prize Raffle: Nov. 3 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm at LWSD Resource Center

Please join us Thursday, Nov. 3, from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm at LWSD Resource Center as we close out bidding and raffle off prizes at our Scholarship Program Basket Auction reception! Bring a friend, wear your pajamas, and enjoy Continue reading Bidding Closes at Our Scholarship Program Auction Reception & Prize Raffle This Week

You’re Invited to Our 2022 Scholarship Basket Auction!

LWPTSA Council Scholarship Program Basket Auction: October 6 to November 3 at LWSD Resource Center

Each year, local PTAs in the Lake Washington PTSA Council are asked to donate gift baskets for the annual basket auction. Proceeds from this auction go directly to Council’s scholarship fund to provide scholarships to graduating seniors and staff across the Lake Continue reading You’re Invited to Our 2022 Scholarship Basket Auction!