2024-2025 WSPTA Reflections Finalists

Accepting Imperfection — National PTA Reflections 2024-25Lake Washington PTSA Council is excited to congratulate the 21 Lake Washington School District student artists whose Reflections entries have been honored with awards at the Washington State PTA level this year, six of whom have won Outstanding Interpretation and have advanced to the National PTA level of judging!

CategoryLevelAwardStudent NameTitlePTA NamePTA Number
Dance ChoreographyHigh School (Gr 9-12)Award of ExcellenceIsha GoyalI BelieveRedmond High School PTSA2.8.100
Film ProductionHigh School (Gr 9-12)Outstanding InterpretationAnkita DattaPrismsEastlake High School PTSA2.8.88
Film ProductionMiddle School (Gr 6-8)Outstanding InterpretationHria KarthikeyanThe Beauty of ImperfectionInternational Community School2.8.89
Film ProductionIntermediate (Gr 3-5)Outstanding InterpretationMika ChangKIND STARNorman Rockwell PTA2.8.47
Film ProductionIntermediate (Gr 3-5)Award of MeritVaishnavi HemantMy (im)Perfect FamilyClara Barton Elementary PTA2.8.27
Film ProductionPrimary (PreK–Gr 2)Outstanding InterpretationLucy HenryMy Snowman KittenPeter Kirk Elementary PTSA2.8.45
LiteratureHigh School (Gr 9-12)Award of ExcellenceAishani KarMasterful MistakesRedmond High School PTSA2.8.10
LiteratureMiddle School (Gr 6-8)Award of ExcellenceNadeen BatshounSnowflakes of StrengthTimberline Middle School PTSA2.8.82
LiteratureIntermediate (Gr 3-5)Outstanding InterpretationIsaac SchusterCount to 10Laura Ingalls Wilder Elem PTSA2.8.66
LiteratureAccessible ArtistsAward of ExcellenceEzrie BrumbleThe Tomato PlantJohn Muir PTA2.8.40
Music CompositionAccessible ArtistsAward of MeritLiam ValentinSound touch and Sound SticksRosa Parks Elementary PTSA2.8.43
PhotographyHigh School (Gr 9-12)Outstanding InterpretationHimadyuthi GowdaAccepting Both WorldsInternational Community School PTSA2.8.89
PhotographyHigh School (Gr 9-12)Award of ExcellenceKirill KadachFree Your Inner BeautyRedmond High School PTSA2.8.100
PhotographyMiddle School (Gr 6-8)Award of ExcellenceIshika BhadraLife Through a LensEvergreen Middle School PTSA2.8.68
PhotographyIntermediate (Gr 3-5)Award of MeritJulie ByskalBallerina BunnyClara Barton Elementary PTSA2.8.27
Visual ArtsMiddle School (Gr 6-8)Award of ExcellenceMarie ChoiTrue BeautyInternational Community School PTSA2.8.89
Visual ArtsIntermediate (Gr 3-5)Award of ExcellenceIris WangSometimes you can choose to be imperfectNorman Rockwell Elementary PTA2.8.47
Visual ArtsIntermediate (Gr 3-5)Award of ExcellenceTanisha MannaNature: The Imperfect MasterpieceRedmond Elementary PTSA2.8.46
Visual ArtsAccessible ArtistsAward of ExcellenceSahasra GortyTime’s Cracked CanvasRedmond High School PTSA2.8.100
Visual ArtsAccessible ArtistsAward of ExcellenceNuwaira Samah Nature Opens My HeartHD Thoreau PTA2.8.60
Visual ArtsAccessible ArtistsAward of MeritKevin ChenFeeling apologetic when being distractedAudubon Elementary PTSA2.8.05

Council received 329 local finalist entries from 39 of our PTAs in this year’s program, and 68 works were selected from among these to advance to the WSPTA round. WSPTA received more than 700 entries at the state level, with 28 Outstanding Interpretation winners moving on to the national round. We wish the best to the six Outstanding Interpretation winners from our school district whose entries have moved on to National PTA! National winners will be announced in May.

View the complete list of 2024-2025 WSPTA Reflections award winners

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