2022-2023 WSPTA Reflections Finalists

National PTA Reflections Show Your Voice!

LWPTSA Council is excited to congratulate the 20 LWSD student artists whose Reflections entries have been honored with awards at the state level, five of whom have won Outstanding Interpretation and have advanced to the national level of judging!

High School	Award of Merit	Alexis Sevigny	The Power from Within	Eastlake High School
Middle School	Award of Excellence	Ankita Datta	A Silent Soul	Evergreen Middle School
Primary	Award of Excellence	Humberto Lionel Ibarra Balderas	SAVE THE ORCAS!	Mead Elementary
High School	Award of Merit	Margot Kleinpeter	And Then There Was Me	International Community School
Middle School	Outstanding Interpretation	Aishani Kar	Asserting the Algorithm	Timberline Middle School
Intermediate	Honorable Mention	Tvesha Joshi	I can show my voice by	Ella Baker Elementary
Primary	Honorable Mention	Keya Misar	Luna shows her voice	Ella Baker Elementary
High School	Award of Excellence	Diya Modi	Mystery	Tesla STEM High School
Middle School	Honorable Mention	Aarvin Roshin	Renegade	Redmond Middle School
Intermediate	Honorable Mention	Miraya Vyas	Never Know	Ben Franklin Elementary
Middle School	Outstanding Interpretation	Kirill E. Kadach	Surfing Sound Waves	Redmond Middle School
Middle School	Award of Merit	Himadyuthi Gowda	Out of darkness	International Community School
Intermediate	Outstanding Interpretation	Vilokin Singh	Love All	Rachel Carson Elementary
Intermediate	Award of Merit	Dharanidhrut Gowda	Music	Wilder Elementary
High School	Award of Excellence	Vivian Li	Who is Crying?	Tesla STEM High School
Middle School	Award Of Excellence	Marharyta Zvarydchuk	Voices of innocent victims from ghost city Mariupol	Redmond Middle School
Primary	Outstanding Interpretation	Darsh Shakya	My Solutions	Rachel Carson Elementary
Primary	Award of Merit	Vaani Sharma	My picture is my voice	Redmond Elementary
Special Artist Secondary	Outstanding Interpretation	Megan Lambert	Hear me roar	Lake Washington High School
Special Artist Secondary	Award of Merit	Sarah Yi	Silent Waltz	International Community School

Washington State PTA will honor and showcase all of this year’s winning artists at a virtual celebration on April 27.

Council received more than 250 local finalist entries from 36 of our PTAs in this year’s program, and 62 winners were selected from among these to advance to the WSPTA round. We wish the best to the five Outstanding Interpretation winners whose entries have moved on to National PTA. National winners will be announced in May.

View the complete list of 2022-2023 WSPTA Reflections award winners

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