Parent Ed Recap: LGBTQ+ Panel

On December 2, we hosted a LGBTQ+ Panel discussion that included parents, district representatives and non-profit partners. Here is a summary from Parent Education Co-Chair Irene Neumann. Here are resources shared during the panel discussion. LGBTQ+ Resources General Youth Mental Continue reading Parent Ed Recap: LGBTQ+ Panel

Parent Ed Recap: Understanding Youth Substance Use

This is a summary of a council-sponsored parent education panel on youth substance use and prevention on November 19, 2020. Speakers Jerry Blackburn, executive director of Influence the Change Andrea Frost, Substance Abuse Education & Prevention Coordinator with Youth Eastside Continue reading Parent Ed Recap: Understanding Youth Substance Use

Safety & Emergency Preparedness Webinars

The LWPTSA Emergency Preparedness Committee is hosting two webinars on safety and emergency preparedness. Please send questions or comments: Tuesday, December 1, 7:00-8:00 pmSafety & Privacy Online by Sarah K. Miller, Emergency Management & Crisis Manager. This session will cover the Continue reading Safety & Emergency Preparedness Webinars

From Awareness to Action: Understanding Youth Substance Use

The Lake Washington PTSA Council in conjunction with the Lake Washington School District is pleased to invite Jerry Blackburn of Influence the Choice to shine light on the impact that substance use has on youth development. Our program will begin Continue reading From Awareness to Action: Understanding Youth Substance Use