Apply for a National PTA Jan Harp Domene Diversity & Inclusion Award
The application deadline has been extended to March 17! Continue reading Apply for a National PTA Jan Harp Domene Diversity & Inclusion Award
Lake Washington PTSA Council 2.8
Serving the 44 PTAs & PTSAs Within the Lake Washington School District
The application deadline has been extended to March 17! Continue reading Apply for a National PTA Jan Harp Domene Diversity & Inclusion Award
Poetry is an art form, in which we use our words to paint on the world’s canvas. —Marcus Patton Continue reading Student Poet Gives Poignant Keynote on the Importance of Representation at LWPTSA Council Luncheon
Saturday, October 14, 2023 — 9 to 11 am Lake Washington School District Resource Center (16250 NE 74th Street, Redmond WA 98052) Lake Washington PTSA Council, in coordination with Lake Washington School District, is looking forward to hosting our 7th annual Continue reading 2023 Welcome Event for New & International Families in LWSD
Saturday, October 14, 2023 — 11 am to 1 pmLWSD Resource Center (16250 NE 74th Street at Redmond Town Center) Bring your kids’ outgrown or unneeded and gently worn orchestra, band or choir concert attire, warm coats and school clothing, Continue reading Clothing Swap
While all of our local PTAs have a mission of supporting and enriching the educational opportunities and experiences in their communities, we recognize that there are varying levels of financial and volunteer resources accessible within those communities. As the larger Continue reading LWPTSA Council’s ’23-’24 Financial Equity Program Is Accepting Donations and Requests
LWPTSA Council is proud to share that Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA has won National PTA’s 2023 Jan Harp Domene Diversity and Inclusion Award! Peter Kirk PTSA is one of three recipients of this prize, which honors PTAs for outstanding efforts Continue reading Peter Kirk PTSA Honored With National PTA Award for DEI!
Updated 12/31/23 Many PTSAs host annual heritage/cultural/international nights in an effort to celebrate their schools’ diversity. These events may involve tables sampling food and looking at artifacts, flags and maps. LWPTSA Council has received questions inquiring about whether or not Continue reading LWPTSA Council’s Resource Guide for Heritage/Cultural/International Nights