
Lake Washington PTSA Council’s calendar is below. Here are additional links to find district, state and national events of interest:

Training Opportunities

Are you looking specifically for training opportunities to fulfill your yearly requirement? Find available classes here:

LWPTSA Council Special Education Group (SEG) Meeting @ LWSD Resource Center Board Room
Apr 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
LWPTSA Council Special Education Group (SEG) Meeting @ LWSD Resource Center Board Room
LWPTSA Council’s Special Education Group’s (SEG) monthly meetings kick off at 6:30 pm with family networking. At 7 pm, we will begin our formal presentation. Ample time for discussion and Q&A will follow.
On-site child care is available for LWSD students and school-aged siblings! Contact no later than 3 business days prior to the meeting, with your student’s name and age.
LWPTSA Council’s Special Education Group (SEG) aims to connect and support families in the LWSD community with students who receive special services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Accommodations Plan, or Individualized Health Plan (IHP). We host monthly meetings that start with time for families to connect with one another, followed by a formal presentation on topics relevant to the SEG community and an opportunity for member questions and input. We also support families and local PTA special education chairs through a lending library, information about resources available in our community, and updates on news relevant to the special education community.
LWPTSA Council Special Education Group (SEG) Meeting @ LWSD Resource Center Board Room
May 27 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
LWPTSA Council Special Education Group (SEG) Meeting @ LWSD Resource Center Board Room
LWPTSA Council’s Special Education Group’s (SEG) monthly meetings kick off at 6:30 pm with family networking. At 7 pm, we will begin our formal presentation. Ample time for discussion and Q&A will follow.
On-site child care is available for LWSD students and school-aged siblings! Contact no later than 3 business days prior to the meeting, with your student’s name and age.
LWPTSA Council’s Special Education Group (SEG) aims to connect and support families in the LWSD community with students who receive special services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Accommodations Plan, or Individualized Health Plan (IHP). We host monthly meetings that start with time for families to connect with one another, followed by a formal presentation on topics relevant to the SEG community and an opportunity for member questions and input. We also support families and local PTA special education chairs through a lending library, information about resources available in our community, and updates on news relevant to the special education community.