
Lake Washington PTSA Council’s calendar is below. Here are additional links to find district, state and national events of interest:

Training Opportunities

Are you looking specifically for training opportunities to fulfill your yearly requirement? Find available classes here:

WSPTA Financial Review Roundtable @ Online on Zoom
Mar 10 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
WSPTA Financial Review Roundtable @ Online on Zoom

As we look toward the end of the PTA year, it is time to start planning for the required year-end financial review. If you haven’t already found your financial review team, it is time to start recruiting. Let WSPTA support you in preparing for the review by joining us March 10 at 12 pm to discuss financial review teams and their duties. This roundtable is aimed at treasurers and financial review teams. For treasurers we will talk about how to prepare your records to hand over to the review team, and members of the financial review committee will have a chance to ask questions about the process of reviewing. There will be a short presentation and then we will open it up for you to ask questions.