Lake Washington PTSA Council’s calendar is below. Here are additional links to find district, state and national events of interest:
- Lake Washington School District Calendar
- Washington State PTA Calendar
- National PTA Events and Calendar
- National PTA’s 2024-2025 Multicultural Calendar | Calendario Multicultural
Training Opportunities
Are you looking specifically for training opportunities to fulfill your yearly requirement? Find available classes here:
WSPTA Region 2 (that’s us!) PTA leaders have an upcoming in-person opportunity to attend free training classes, including “Managing Your Nonprofit PTA,” “Nominating Committee,” “Easy Opportunities for Advocacy” and more.
Register here. Questions? Contact
This is the most important and useful class of them all, as it will prepare you and your fellow officers to run your PTA with an eye toward the important legal and fiscal requirements in running a nonprofit. PTA and the Law deals with state and federal rules and regulations relevant to running a charitable, tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation in the state of Washington, and will explain how these rules impact your PTA. PTA and the Law is a required class for at least one elected officer per PTA each year.
The financial management of the PTA is the responsibility of the entire board of directors. At this free, WSPTA-approved training, learn the basic financial skills to manage and track PTA funds, online accounts, legal obligations to maintain your tax-exempt status and other considerations. Recommended for all elected officers and board members.
Are you starting to plan your budget for the coming year? Join WSPTA as we answer your budget questions and talk about how to build a budget narrative to increase your members’ understanding of your finances.
WSPTA is excited to present the first of an interactive three-part leadership workshop series. Join us as we start the workshops with an overview recognizing different styles of leadership as well as beginning discussions on the types of issues a leader may need to address. The following sessions on March 18th and April 8th, will address some practical tasks involved with many public-facing PTA leadership positions. We’ll work on preparation for presenting and facilitating both virtually and in-person. Come for some great discussions and coaching! It’s recommended you register for all three if interested in attending. Space is limited, so register now!
This is the most important and useful class of them all, as it will prepare you and your fellow officers to run your PTA with an eye toward the important legal and fiscal requirements in running a nonprofit. PTA and the Law deals with state and federal rules and regulations relevant to running a charitable, tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation in the state of Washington, and will explain how these rules impact your PTA. PTA and the Law is a required class for at least one elected officer per PTA each year.
This is the next-to-last statewide offering of this class for 2024-25 so be sure to fulfill your requirement by having an officer attend!
Welcome to the second session of WSPTA’s three-part leadership workshop sessions! The second session is focusing on the practical skills you need for remote/online presentations. We’ll discuss the format of creating your material as well as the practical logistics of presenting to your camera and operating a virtual presentation or meeting. Again, space is limited, so register now!
This is the most important and useful class of them all, as it will prepare you and your fellow officers to run your PTA with an eye toward the important legal and fiscal requirements in running a nonprofit. PTA and the Law deals with state and federal rules and regulations relevant to running a charitable, tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation in the state of Washington, and will explain how these rules impact your PTA. PTA and the Law is a required class for at least one elected officer per PTA each year.
Don’t miss your PTA’s last chance to fulfill their requirement to have an officer attend for the 2024-25 term.
Zoom link will be shared as soon as possible!
Welcome to the final session of WSPTA’s three-part leadership workshop! This final event will have a brief overview of the preceding sessions and then we’ll work on in-person presenting and facilitating. We’ll cover preparation and the actual events. The culmination of this series will help your confidence in some of the public-facing tasks a leader in PTA often performs. Again, space is limited, so register now!
Save the date for WSPTA’s 2025 Annual Convention & Business Meeting: May 2 to 4, 2025, at the Lynwood Event Center in Lynnwood, WA.