LWPTSA Council’s Summer Operations

Due to the Lake Washington School District summer break as well as Washington State PTA’s limited summer business, LWPTSA Council will be observing limited summer operations until late August.

Our newsletters, Weekly Waves and Currents, are on summer hiatus and will resume normal publication at the end of August. You can view our most recent issues in our newsletter archive. Our Facebook page, Facebook Groups and Instagram account will be monitored, but posting will mostly be limited to occasional sharing of community opportunities and future PTA event dates as they are confirmed.

As LWPTSA Council’s incoming 2024-2025 board members will be observing summer break with our loved ones, we appreciate your patience in expecting email responses or social media responses to take a week or slightly longer. With our varying travel schedules that may delay response times, we recommend reaching out to info@LWPTSA.net for the quickest reply.

We wish all of our local PTA leaders a restful and restorative summer, and we look forward to seeing you in September! Our first general membership meeting of the 2024-25 year is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024, at 9:45 am, in person at the LWSD Resource Center. Check back in late August for confirmation.