Peter Kirk PTSA — You Rock!

PETER KIRK PTSA: You Rock! Award — June 2024 — Presented by LWPTSA CouncilLWPTSA Council was pleased to present one of two You Rock! awards at our June 2024 membership meeting to Peter Kirk Elementary PTSA for their spring fundraising campaign!

Peter Kirk PTSA’s spring fundraising committee—KK DeVuyst, Elysia Heller, Colleen McCloskey, Cilicia Reavey and Winn Richardson—worked hard behind the scenes to launch the PTSA’s “Soar Into Spring—Fund Our Eagles” campaign on February 26, with a final push during “Soar Into Spring Week,” April 1 to 5.

Donations were collected online and in person, with engaging infographics and marketing delivered via social media, website, newsletters and direct email, as well as on the school campus.

Thanks to the committee’s creativity and efforts and the community’s enthusiastic support, the fundraiser was successful in fully funding the PTSA’s 2023-2024 target goal and beyond! The campaign played a key role in funding the PTSA’s STEM and arts programs, classroom enrichment, community outreach and events, but it also brought the school community together with an exciting spring spirit wear launch. Items were sold before and after school at in-person booths, with both the school mascot as well as a Star Wars Storm Trooper in full costume for photo opportunities.

Post-fundraiser rewards included pizza parties for the classes with the highest participation rates, a spirit day with students and staff invited to wear school spirit wear, and a school-wide Popsicle party! Sounds like a solid win for all.

Congratulations, Peter Kirk PTSA! You rock! Learn more about LWPTSA Council’s You Rock! awards.