2022-2023 Scholarship Assessments Due

A black graduation cap with gold tassel, resting next to a scrolled diploma

LWPTSA Council is looking forward to another successful scholarship program this year. Our scholarship program is largely supported through our annual scholarship basket auction and through an annual assessment from each local PTA/PTSA. Each local PTA is assessed $125 toward this program annually.

Please use this invoice to submit assessments by October 6, 2022.

Thanks for your support!
Michelle Rocamora, LWPTSA Council Treasurer

P.S. Don’t forget to tell us your PTA’s basket theme before September 22, 2022.

About Council’s Scholarship Program

Lake Washington PTSA Council’s Scholarship Program awarded its first college scholarships to four graduating seniors in 1982, electing to fund these awards through an annual local unit assessment. As the school district has grown, additional scholarships have been added, as well as scholarships for staff members to assist with the cost of continuing education. Additional revenue is obtained through the PTSA Council’s annual scholarship basket auction. The income from the auction and the contributions from the local units are the foundational sources of revenue that support the basic scholarship program. Thank you very much for your participation in this program!