Social Media Guidance for Local PTAs

When representing a PTA (or PTSA) or speaking on behalf of a PTA board, leaders are expected to conduct themselves professionally and as representatives of the PTA at all times.

Although a PTA leader may post personal opinions or communicate ideas as a private individual outside of their PTA position, they should be aware that they are still associated with the PTA in the eyes of the community and should conduct themselves accordingly.

PTA social media is not an appropriate place for a PTA leader to publish potentially problematic statements that could compromise the PTA’s integrity, PTA affiliation or nonprofit status.

Social media postings should be respectful and factual, and should steer clear of personal attacks and accusations, unsubstantiated statements and other claims without cited sources.

Any opinions expressed by PTA leaders on PTA social media or other PTA communications should represent the PTA’s official positions that have been voted upon by the membership or otherwise agreed upon by the board of directors.

PTAs, whether local units or otherwise, should adhere to the standards, guidelines and policies laid out by our governing organization, the National PTA: