Registration for Focus Day 2025 Is Open

Join WSPTA and fellow PTA members from across our LWPTSA Council area for Focus Day on Monday, Feb. 17, 2025, in Olympia! Come advocate to close the funding gaps and ensure financial stability for schools and other vital issues that impact students around the state! All WSPTA members are welcome. Bring your children to join in the fun! We need your stories, we need your voice—we need you! Register here.

New Venue: WSPTA has reserved space across the street from the Capitol at the United Churches of Olympia (110 11th Ave SE, Olympia) to network with fellow PTA advocates and hear from lunchtime speaker, Washington’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal, Please note that WSPTA is not in the Columbia Room at the Capitol this year.

The venue will be open from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. The agenda is available on Eventbrite and will be included in the Focus on Advocacy newsletter as updates are made. In addition, WSPTA will be offering docent-led tours of the Capitol grounds (limited availability) and box lunches at an additional charge.

We are encouraging members to schedule meetings with their legislators this day (even if you need to schedule remote meetings). It is important to reach out to legislators as soon as possible. Here are some resources to help you in planning successful meetings: Focus on Advocacy Toolkit.

The event is free. Information on the venue and parking can be found hereRegister today!