LWPTSA Council Opposes Initiative 2117

Sept. 5, 2024

The LWPTSA Council board and membership have voted* to oppose Initiative 2117, aligning with the Washington State PTA. This initiative would repeal the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), a vital policy that funds projects improving school infrastructure, clean energy, and student health and safety.

The CCA supports energy-efficient schools, zero-emission buses, and safe routes to school, directly benefiting students and their communities. Repealing it would harm progress on climate goals and threaten the well-being of children. LWPTSA Council urges voters to vote NO on Initiative 2117 to protect our children’s future.

Kristen Dorwin, LWPTSA Council President
Zahra Eslami, LWPTSA Council Vice President of Advocacy

* LWPTSA Council’s Board of Directors vote conducted during Aug. 29, 2024, meeting of the board of directors. LWPTSA Council membership vote conducted during Sept. 5, 2024, general membership meeting.