LWPTSA Council Board Adopts Resolution on Advocacy for Free School Meals

AdvocacyIn recognition of the importance of access to free meals for the well-being of all children as well as the burden of school lunch debt, the Lake Washington PTSA Council board of directors has voted to adopt a new resolution.

Be it resolved that the Lake Washington PTSA Council supports advocating for legislation or policies that increase student access to free meals served at public schools by:

  • Providing funding for universal free school meals for students; 
  • Eliminating school meal debt; 
  • Reducing the requirements for tracking or qualifying students for free meals. 

Highlighting the need for ongoing access to universal free school meals, after the expiration of pandemic-era meal waivers, and pointing to the documented benefits of free lunch initiatives in other states and districts, the Council board stands with the majority of voters nationwide in support of legislation enabling such outcomes.

View the full resolution, including cited sources, and read our other advocacy statements here.