Help Build the ’24-’25 LWPTSA Council Board

Nominate Someone — or Yourself — Today!

If you or someone you know has a passion for supporting the PTA programs and services that help students succeed, please consider submitting a nomination for the 2024-2025 Lake Washington PTSA Council board of directors. LWPTSA Council serves as a resource to the local PTAs, families and community members within the Lake Washington School District through training, support and guidance, and advocates for the well-being and education of every child.

What Positions Are Available?

Refer to this list of our board positions. All of these roles are open for nominations for the upcoming ’24-’25 academic year. We will conduct elections at a Council membership meeting later this spring.

How Do I Submit a Nomination? Can I Nominate Myself?

If you would like to be a part of this team or know of someone who might want to join us, please email the nominating committee. All nominations, including self-nominations, are welcome!

—LWPTSA Council 2024-2025 Nominating Committee
Muusa Liinpaa, Trish Lorr & Jory Hamilton