Goodbye, Memberplanet — Hello, Givebacks!

New Comprehensive System for Membership, Website & More

(Updated 5/2/24) Big news! Over the coming months, Washington State PTA will be phasing out the memberplanet database and moving to a new system powered by Givebacks, formerly MemberHub. Every PTA in Washington state will have access to Givebacks’ one-stop solution for managing your PTA’s roster, member registration, website, storefront, fundraisers, communications and more.

How should your PTA prepare?

  • View a recording of our prelaunch webinar to hear about this switch and how the new system aligns with our mission.
  • Watch your email for a message from Givebacks. This will contain links to set up your user account, register for another informational webinar during the week of May 6, and schedule a 1:1 session with a specialist who can provide answers and guidance for using your PTA’s new Givebacks site. You can also view set-up info on the Givebacks website.
  • Do not stop entering your members into memberplanet. All your members will be transferred over to your new Givebacks account as contacts to reach out to in the next year. Incoming 2024-25 officers should also still be entered under the “Committees” tab in memberplanet. We will be transferring all officer information from memberplanet over to Givebacks.
  • Follow our database transition blog post (which includes FAQs) here:
  • Learn more about Givebacks here:

Questions? Contact WSPTA’s membership director, Jenn Talingo, at