Reminder: Reflections Entries in Visual Arts Category Must Be 2D Only

Local Reflections chairs, please emphasize to your students and their guardians that our LWPTSA Council Reflections program is only accepting 2D artwork in the Visual Arts category. Student entry forms and the Visual Arts category rule documents reflecting this requirement are now available for download on our website.

If a local PTA Reflections program accepts a 3D entry, please be aware that it will not be eligible to advance to the LWPTSA Council round.

All Visual Arts entries must be:

  • no larger than 24×30 inches, including matting (if used)
  • mounted on sturdy backing or created on a rigid material
  • no more than 1/2 inch thick (including backing)
  • without frames or loose pieces

Please refer to the Visual Arts category guidelines for complete information (en español).

This decision to limit entries to 2D works was a pandemic-era change made at the state level, when entry submission was switched to all digital. Currently, councils decide whether or not to accept 3D art; LWPTSA Council continues to accept only 2D entries. This not only streamlines our entry submission and evaluation process—it also simplifies the display logistics* for all of our participating PTAs during our Reflections Open House and Founders’ Day celebration.

We appreciate all of our local PTAs’ and students’ participation in the Reflections program and look forward to receiving your finalists’ creations in November.

* Local Reflections chairs should collect advancing finalists’ original Visual Arts pieces and printed copies of Photography and Literature entries to display during our January Open House. (Dance Choreography, Film Production and Music Composition files uploaded during our online submission process will be used for the Open House and will not need to be resubmitted.)