Looking for ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day during the pandemic? PTAs are invited to try these ideas.
Languages of Love
There are thousands of languages in the world, which means there are thousands of ways to express love. Ask parents to record their child saying “I love you” in their language.
Garden of Friendship
Ask parents, students, staff to paint rocks or write words related to friendship and place them in a designated area on your school’s grounds. You could also create a garden with plants and allow families to contribute plants. Work with your school staff to identify an area and acceptable plants.
Friendship Show
Plan a virtual talent show with a friendship theme. Students can perform an act (song, poem, dance, artwork) of their choice so long as it related to the theme.
Love Display Doors
Invite students to create door wreaths or decorations around the theme of love. Compile and share photos of the displays.
3D Love Display
Invite students to create 3d hearts out of materials found at home. Compile and share photos of the hearts.
What is Love?
Ask parents to record students answering the question “What is love?” Compile and share the videos.
Gratitude Collage
Have students write a line or two about any staff members that they wish to express love or gratitude for. Collect these inputs and build a digital collage to share.
Important reminder: Always ensure you have parental permission before publicly sharing student photos or videos.
Have an idea to share? Contact Family and Community Engagement VP, Danit Erlich at face@lwptsa.net