PTAs Role in Return to School Conversations

There have been questions around what role PTA has as we navigate conversations about students returning to school. To answer this question we referenced our mission statement.

“To serve as a relevant resource to the local PTAs, families and community members within the Lake Washington School District through training, support, and guidance, and to advocate for the health, well-being, and education of every child.”

Our role at the Council level is to be a conduit of information, and as such, we are providing some resources to help local PTA leaders and boards answer some of the questions that may be being asked in your community. Please use these resources to share factual information as your PTA and school community move forward.

Over the next weeks and months we will continue to participate in the conversations around schools reopening and we are committed to sharing up-to-date information. Please reach out to your Area Vice President or our various board members with your questions so that we can best support your PTA.