Spring 2020 Parent Education Events

March 12, 2020 Update: Due to Governor’s order to close all K-12 schools in King County from March 17 through April 24, 2020, all events previously scheduled during that time frame will be postponed. We are working to reschedule or make alternative arrangements.

LWPTSA Council’s Parent Education team has multiple events planned this spring! Please send questions to Irene Neumann, Parent Education Chair at parent.ed@lwptsa.net

  • February 27, 7-8PM
    A Family Discussion: Healthy Family Habits with Technology and Social Media Download a flyer
    Presenter: John Holifield
    Location: Ben Rush Elementary
  • March 21, 10AM–Noon
    Cultural Competency in the Early Years (K-5)
    Presenter: Rosetta Lee
    Location: Lake Washington Resource Center
  • March 31, Noon–2PM
    Navigating the Post Graduation Path
    Presenters: LWSD College and Career Specialists
    Location: Marymoor Community Center
  • April 22, 6:30-8:30PM
    Vaping and Drug Awareness
    Presenter: Influence the Choice
    Location: Finn Hill Middle School
  • April 30, 7-9PM
    Teen Communication
    Presenter: UW’s Forefront
    Location: TBD
  • May 12, 7-9PM
    LGBTQ Awareness Panel
    Location: Lake Washington Resource Center

Please send questions to Irene Neumann, Parent Education Chair at parent.ed@lwptsa.net