The challenges we’re facing with remote schooling also bring an opportunity for PTAs to shine. This is a time for PTAs to create meaningful and unique connections within their school community.
Here are some ideas how you can create engagement even when school is remote:
- Start a virtual story time
- Create a virtual lunch time for each grade separately so students can socialize
- Offer a virtual cooking class
- Encourage an online study group for AP classes
- Have a virtual art class
- Plan a virtual bingo night
- Start a book club based on grade level or series of books (e.g.: Harry Potter book club)
- Start a STEM club
Note: All virtual PTSA programs must follow the same rules and procedures as in-person programs and volunteers need to be LWSD-approved.
Find more Family and Community Engagement ideas from WSPTA’s Now More Than Ever website.
Get suggestions for how to hold virtual community meetings in this PDF from National PTA.
Have more ideas for virtual connection? Facing challenges or have questions? Please share them with our Council FACE community.