Engagement Grant Update

The Center for Family Engagement, A National PTA Initiative

We are pleased to share some of the work underway that came out of The National PTA’s Transformative Family Engagement and Whole Child Learning Grant received by LWPTSA Council in the spring of 2019.

Findings from parent focus groups held in the summer of 2019 were collected, shared and discussed with key stakeholders. One key finding was that some parents, and in particular families from other countries, felt they needed more supports as their children moved from elementary into middle schools and again from middle into high schools. 

The grant committee created two Tool Kits for families whose students are moving up to 6th and 9th grades and into new schools. The Tool Kit contains information parents view as essential to supporting kids in school – in other words – a tool kit for parents by parents, with key inputs from school staff and administration.

In the coming months, Council will focus on the 4 I’s of family and community engagement: Inclusive, Individualized, Integrated and Impactful. We will work with local PTSAs on how to practically apply the 4 I’s and take their events to an exciting and important new level of family engagement. 

Learn more about National PTA’s Center for Family Engagement.

Tool Kit Downloads

For a video of the tool kit presentation and any other questions, please contact Irene Neumann and Swarnima Aswinkumar, Grant Co-Chairs, at engagementgrant@lwptsa.net.