
The LWPTSA Council publishes two newsletters during the school year.

  • Weekly Waves features actionable items especially for local PTA leaders, published on the first school day of each week, except the one week each month when Currents is published. To submit content, please email by the Thursday prior to publication.
  • Currents is a monthly collection of news and highlights from around our council, along with news from our partners, published the second or third week of each month. For the publication schedule or to submit content, please email

Local PTA leaders, as members of our council are automatically subscribed to our newsletters each fall. Other individuals may subscribe, below.

For content submission information, click here.

Newsletter Archives

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Submitting Newsletter Content

LWPTSA Council publishes newsletter content relating to PTA news, events and programs of interest to local PTA leaders and community members within our Lake Washington School District council area. We also include relevant content from Washington State PTA and National PTA, as well as our established partners—currently the Lake Washington School District and the Lake Washington Schools Foundation. Other community opportunities and events that align with our PTA mission and goals are considered on a case-by-case basis.

We do not publish commercial/business promotions, vendor advertisements or news items that are unrelated to PTA.

If you represent a local PTA/PTSA and would like to share a news item in our newsletters, we offer the following options:

  • Share your upcoming PTA/PTSA-organized or sponsored opportunities that are open district-wide for consideration to our newsletter team by emailing details to Submissions are due by the end of business on the Thursday before the intended newsletter publication date.
  • Share the good work that your PTA/PTSA has been doing for your school community with your assigned Area Vice President (AVP). We would love to spotlight your PTA in an upcoming newsletter. Find your AVP here.
  • Share your PTA’s or PTSA’s unique program, initiative or event for consideration for a LWPTSA Council You Rock! award, which will be featured in an upcoming newsletter. For details about this award, visit our You Rock! page.