
PTA Takes ActionAdvocacy is at the heart of PTA. LWPTSA Council is passionate about advocating for the health, safety, education, equitable access and well-being of every child.

Learn about our legislative priorities and other supported issues, and read below for more ways to get involved. Our advocacy work is directed and powered by our members.

3 Easy Ways You Can Make a Difference:

  1. Become a PTA Member: By becoming a PTA member at your school, you add to the impact the PTA is already making on your behalf. Our Washington State PTA team is already advocating in Olympia and will continue this work throughout the session. Your membership increases our numbers, which adds more weight to our advocacy efforts in our legislators’ eyes. Visit your school’s PTA website and join!
  2. Contact your state legislators as a PTA member and share our Washington State PTA Legislative Platform: By adding your voice to those PTA members already working on your behalf, you raise the volume of our requests and help make sure our legislators know these issues are truly a priority for ALL of us.
  3. Contact your state legislators as a parent and community member to share your own personal concerns, stories and opinions: Although as PTA members we legally must share the official PTA stances and platform, as individual constituents we always have the right to speak our own opinions and add weight to the grassroots interest in these important topics.
  4. Participate in LWPTSA Council’s Advocacy Skills in the Education System! Learn more about this newly established group here.

More Ways to Take Action

  • Join the WSPTA Action Network Group: Sign up to receive timely information and action alerts during the Washington State Legislative sessions.
  • WSPTA Legislative Assembly: Attend this annual fall event to learn about the issues, how you can take action and network with other PTA leaders.
  • WSPTA Focus Day: During each year’s legislative session, Washington State PTA holds an annual Focus Day to bring members together at the state capitol to advocate for the association’s legislative platform.
  • Find State Legislators – Look up your Washington state legislators, and share what is important to you.

Advocacy News & Updates

PTA Advocacy Contacts